The Ultimate Guide to Hearing Aid Care

The Ultimate Guide to Hearing Aid Care

The importance of hearing aid care Despite their small size, hearing aids are an incredibly complex piece of technology that requires diligent maintenance and care. What’s more, hearing aids can be a big investment, and, in the same way you clean your glasses and...
Hearing Aids & Batteries: Storage & Care Best Practices

Hearing Aids & Batteries: Storage & Care Best Practices

Summertime has arrived! Summertime is officially here, and so are some of our not-so-favorite Summertime pains – heat, humidity, dust, and dirt. As much as we love endless sunshine during the Summer months, one of the biggest challenges we hear from our patients all...
Tips for Having a Great Summer  While Wearing Hearing Aids

Tips for Having a Great Summer While Wearing Hearing Aids

Summer is finally here — we want you to hear it! At Beltone Tristate, we’re lovers of all sorts of weather, but I think we can agree that summer is really something special. School is out, we’re celebrating our independence, and we’re taking advantage of every...