What is Tinnitus and How Is It Related to Hearing Loss?

What is Tinnitus and How Is It Related to Hearing Loss?

What is Tinnitus, and How Is It Related to Hearing Loss?  Hearing constant buzzing, whistling, roaring, or hissing in your ears that no one else can hear can be maddening. Knowing that this ailment affects 15-20% of people is a comfort, but knowing the facts and what...
Hearing Tips for the Holiday Season

Hearing Tips for the Holiday Season

Hearing Tips for the Holiday Season  If you or someone you care about has a hearing impairment, the Holiday Season can be very exhausting. Making small adjustments to the environment of a party, or adding a hearing aid accessory to your shopping list might just make...
How Do Hearing Aids Work?

How Do Hearing Aids Work?

As technology has advanced, hearing aids have followed There have been some incredible advancements in technology in the past 50 years or so. Just think about it – 50 years ago, the idea of a smartphone or laptop computer would be futuristic and, probably, a little...
What Are the Different Types of Hearing Aids?

What Are the Different Types of Hearing Aids?

Hearing aid technology is advancing every day Hearing aids have come a long way in the past decade as technology has advanced and the incidence of hearing loss has increased at the same time, but the concept of devices to assist in hearing has been around for hundreds...
Why Are Hearing Aid Batteries Different Colors?

Why Are Hearing Aid Batteries Different Colors?

Color coding helps with memory If you’ve ever walked down the battery aisle at the grocery store or your local electronics shop, you’ve probably been overwhelmed by how many different types of batteries there are. Some are extremely common, like the AA or AAA battery,...