Embarking on the journey of understanding hearing aid batteries opens the door to the powerhouse behind improved hearing. This guide aims to simplify the complexities of these batteries, from the inner workings of zinc-air types to the variety of rechargeable options available. 

Whether navigating through different sizes and color-coded varieties or considering the move to rechargeable alternatives, this guide is your go-to resource. We’ll delve into factors influencing battery life, offer insights into extending their lifespan, and showcase the latest in battery accessories. 

How do batteries in hearing aids work? 

Ever wondered about the inner workings of hearing aid batteries? These essential power sources, commonly zinc-air type, kick into action by utilizing oxygen. When unboxing a fresh set, exposing them to oxygen initiates a reaction with zinc, generating the energy crucial for your hearing aid. 

Given their disposable nature, replacing them is inevitable and depends on your device’s specific lifespan. Beltone Tristate, for instance, offers a variety, including:

  • B20 (Yellow)
  • B26 (Orange)
  • B347 (Brown)
  • B900 (Blue)

Each one is tailored with different sizes and color-coding for easy identification, ensuring compatibility across various hearing aid devices.

Factors that affect hearing aid battery life

The duration hearing aid batteries last is influenced by diverse factors, each pivotal in determining replacement frequency. From battery size to hearing aid style, power requirements, hours of use, and proper battery care and storage, understanding these elements is critical for optimizing performance and extending battery lifespan.

Hearing Aid Battery Sizes

One critical factor affecting the lifespan of hearing aid batteries is their size. Different sizes, denoted by numbers like 10, 312, 13, or 675, indicate variations in dimensions and energy capacity. 

Larger-sized batteries, such as size 13 or 675, generally have a longer lifespan compared to smaller ones like size 10.

Hearing aid style 

The design or style of the hearing aid also impacts battery life. Behind-the-ear (BTE) and in-the-ear (ITE) styles may have different power requirements. For instance, BTE models often accommodate larger batteries, potentially offering extended usage before replacement compared to their smaller ITE counterparts.

Power requirements

The internal technology and features within a hearing aid determine its power requirements. Advanced features like Bluetooth connectivity or noise-canceling capabilities demand more power. Therefore, a hearing aid with advanced technology may require more frequent battery replacements compared to a basic model.

Hours of use

The number of hours a hearing aid is actively in use directly influences the frequency of battery replacements. 

For individuals who use their hearing aids extensively throughout the day, especially in noisy environments, the batteries may need to be replaced more often compared to those who use them sparingly. 

Battery care and storage

Proper care and storage practices are crucial for maximizing the effectiveness and lifespan of hearing aid batteries. 

Here are some tips:

  • Store batteries in a cool, dry place.
  • Keep them away from direct sunlight.
  • Avoid carrying loose batteries in pockets or purses where they might come into contact with metal objects like keys or coins.
  • When not in use, turn off the hearing aid to conserve battery power.

By paying attention to these factors and adopting good practices, you can optimize the performance and longevity of your hearing aid batteries.

How do I know if my hearing aid battery is bad?

Determining if a hearing aid battery is malfunctioning involves recognizing certain signs. If the device’s sound quality diminishes, or you experience fluctuations in volume, it could indicate a weakening battery. 

Additionally, if the battery seems to drain rapidly, requiring frequent replacements, it may be a sign of deterioration. Some hearing aids are equipped with low-battery indicators, often audible beeps or tones, providing a direct signal that a battery change is necessary. 

Regularly checking for these cues and being attentive to any changes in the device’s performance can help individuals identify and address potential issues with their hearing aid batteries.

Why are my hearing aid batteries dying so fast?

Several factors may contribute to the rapid depletion of hearing aid batteries. The overall power demands of the hearing aid, its features, and usage patterns all play a role. 

If the hearing aid has advanced features like Bluetooth connectivity or noise-canceling, it tends to consume more power, leading to quicker battery drain. 

Additionally, the frequency and duration of use impact battery life, as more extended usage periods require more frequent replacements. 

It’s essential to consider these factors and potentially consult with your audiologist to ensure optimal battery performance.

How often do you need to replace a hearing aid battery?

The frequency of replacing hearing aid batteries varies based on factors like battery size, power requirements of the hearing aid, and usage patterns. 

  • Generally, smaller batteries (e.g., size 10) need replacement more often than larger ones (e.g., size 13 or 675). 
  • Advanced hearing aids with sophisticated features may also require more frequent battery changes. 

On average, hearing aid batteries typically last from 3 to 14 days, with regular use. Paying attention to signs of diminished performance, such as changes in sound quality or rapid battery drain, can help individuals identify the need for replacement. 

Regularly checking and replacing batteries when necessary ensures consistent and effective performance of hearing aids. 

Is there a way to extend the life of batteries? Are rechargeable hearing aids a good alternative?

To make hearing aid batteries last longer, there are several helpful strategies to consider. 

First, storing them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight can really improve their performance. Also, turning off your hearing aid when you’re not using it is a simple yet effective way to conserve battery power. 

Another great option gaining popularity is choosing rechargeable hearing aids. Providers like Beltone Tristate offer these advanced options, giving you a sustainable and cost-effective solution. 

Rechargeable hearing aids not only eliminate the hassle of frequently changing batteries but also contribute to environmental friendliness. When you’re in the process of getting hearing aids, it’s worth looking into rechargeable options for their added convenience and long-term benefits in addressing battery-related concerns.

Keep thriving with the best battery accessories

Fuel your hearing aid’s performance and keep thriving with the best battery accessories available! Explore a range of top-notch options to enhance your device’s longevity and power. Don’t miss out – discover and purchase these essential accessories now at Beltone’s battery accessories collection. Elevate your hearing aid experience today!