Improving your hearing in the New Year can open a whole new world! Better hearing can make experiences more impactful, conversations more meaningful, and everyday life more exciting! 

What could a new year with better hearing do for you?

Taking stock of what you can do to lead a better life is something most people do at the beginning of a New Year! Not everyone thinks about ear health and hearing, but they should! Your ears and hearing are invaluable tools that help you to live the most fulfilling life possible. 

Even if you do not suffer from hearing loss, keeping your ears in good condition can have a huge impact on your quality of life. Here are some ideas to make sure 2023 is the best sounding year yet! 

Avoid Loud Noises & Keep that Volume in Check

Surrounding yourself with an environment that is positive for ear health isn’t always an option, but you should have an idea of when loud is too loud. Sound is measured in decibels (dB). A whisper is about 30 dB, regular conversation is about 60 dB, and a running motorcycle engine is about 95 dB. The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests maintaining noises below 70 dB over prolonged periods of time to prevent hearing loss. 

The environment you create with your television and ear buds can have a lasting impact on your hearing as well. If you like to watch your favorite show and feel like you’re a part of the action, or listen to your music and feel like you’re at the concert by keeping the volume high, know that this should only be for a few hours. Prolonged exposure to loud audio can negatively affect your hearing. 


Working out and getting in shape seem to be at the top of many New Year’s resolutions lists, but rarely is exercise thought of as a way to prevent hearing loss. Cardiovascular exercise is vital to hearing health, especially as you age. A person over 50 years old without a genetic predisposition to hearing loss and who engages in cardio for 20-30 minutes five times weekly is more likely to maintain a healthy auditory system than someone with low cardiovascular activity. 

If cardio isn’t your preferred exercise, yoga and meditation can have the same benefits to your hearing health. Both yoga and meditation help with blood flow, stress reduction, and focus–all of which help maintain hearing health! 

Stop Smoking 

We all know smoking is unhealthy, but did you know it is a serious contributor to hearing loss? Smokers have a 70% greater chance of developing hearing loss than non smokers! Cigarette smoke negatively impacts the middle and inner ear, and nicotine interferes with the neurotransmitters that communicate with your brain to help interpret meaningful messages. 

Does Eating Lead to Better Hearing? 

Consuming a healthy diet cannot bring back lost hearing, but new studies are suggesting that hearing loss can be prevented with a healthy diet. 

A study conducted at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Massachusetts studied over 3000 participants and tested their hearing every 4 years for over 20 years. Researchers found that those who adhered to a healthy diet were 30% less likely to develop mid-frequency hearing loss, and 20% less likely to develop high frequency hearing loss. 

The menu followed by these participants is easy to understand and follow. Focusing on plant based foods and eliminating processed foods is the primary idea. Not only is this type of diet helpful for hearing loss prevention, it’s good for your whole body! 

Protect Your Ears

Excess ear wax and moisture in your ears can cause many hearing problems. 

If you think you have extra waxy ears, make an appointment with your doctor to have them checked and cleaned properly — do not attempt this on your own by sticking swabs in your ears! If your ears are exposed to moisture, make sure you wipe and dry them properly. 

Excess moisture can mean more infections which can lead to hearing loss. 

Having a yearly hearing evaluation is a smart way to prevent hearing loss. 

This should definitely be part of your routine if you’re over 60, are exposed to loud noises for extended periods of time, or are experiencing hearing loss already. 

Contact Beltone Tristate today to schedule a hearing test!